We are a Christian parish in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. We invite you to join our community. |
Join us for our worship services and events at the Redeemer!
We hold services at 8am (spoken) 10am (organ & choir) and 5pm (choral Evensong) every Sunday. Nursery care is provided for children under 3 years old, and Sunday School classes are offered for children ages 3 through grade 7. All are welcome!
WORSHIPOur worship services, both in person and online are places where we find refuge from the changes and chances of life. We welcome worshippers into the sanctuary on Sundays at 8am (spoken), 10am and 5pm. | SERVE As we grow in our love for God, we also grow in our love of neighbor. Acting on this love is an important part of Christian community, and the Redeemer offers many ways to do this together. | UPCOMING Join us for 'In Stitches' on January 22nd at 1:30pm in the Old Parish House! Bring your sewing, embroidery, knitting, crocheting (or just yourselves) and enjoy a cup of tea and the company of others. |
FELLOWSHIPOne of the great things about community life is the chance to have fellowship, to celebrate together and support each other in difficult times. The Church of the Redeemer offers a variety of events where people ages 1 to 100 can eat and play together, to mark some of the significant days in the Christian year. | MUSICMusic plays an important role in the life of our parish. We invite all members of our parish to be involved in our music. From joyous hymn singing in the pews or the glorious sounds of our magnificent new Schoenstein pipe organ to the refined splendor of weekly Choral Evensong, music is an integral part of our worship. | STRATEGIC MINISTRIESEngaging the parish to develop and nurture programs and relationships that further the mission of the Church of the Redeemer within its walls and beyond by serving those in need and forming disciples of Christ. DONATE to one of our many outreach programs. |