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Have you been to Evensong?

February 13, 2025 9:23 AM | Barbara MacDonald (Administrator)

Have you been to Evensong at Redeemer?

Did you know Redeemer offers the service of Choral Evensong each Sunday at 5pm from Labor Day to mid-May? Some of you may ask, “But what is Evensong?” Evensong is simply the sung version of the office of Evening Prayer. As we offer Morning Prayer (Matins) once a month on Sunday mornings, most of us would therefore, unknowingly, be familiar with its counterpart – Evensong!

Traditionally, Choral Evensong is based on the services held daily in the medieval Church. The service is arranged in the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England has been sung regularly since the sixteenth century. In the larger Anglican (Episcopal) churches and cathedrals in England, Evensong is a daily service. Here in the U.S., some Episcopal churches may offer Evensong once a month, some once a quarter, others, just on special occasions. Unfortunately, very few churches today are able to offer Choral Evensong weekly. The Redeemer is probably the only church in MA offering this service each Sunday, and one of very few to do so in New England and the country at large.

For the congregation, Choral Evensong offers an opportunity to gather and spend time in prayer while listening and participating in music that is especially selected to bring us into deeper understanding of the mysteries of our faith. In Choral Evensong the choir mostly sings on behalf of the congregation. The service provides a wonderful opportunity to be transported to another realm and to meditate on the week ahead. The settings of the Canticles of Mary (Magnificat) and Simeon (Nunc dimittis) are sung by the choir alone as is the Psalm and Anthem. The Suffrages (Preces) and the Responses between the Officiant and People are also sung between the Officiant and Choir on behalf of the people. This allows the congregation time to participate in meditation and enter into deeper prayer through words and music. The congregation also participates in the singing of the hymns and the Lord’s Prayer. Music is selected from the rich choral heritage of the Anglican/Episcopal Church, with music from the Tudor / Renaissance periods right through the 19th and 20th centuries, to commissions of today.

There are several reasons why the tradition of Evensong hold significance today:

1. Liturgical Tradition:

Evensong is deeply rooted in the liturgical tradition of the Anglican Church. Its structured format, blending scripture, psalms, and prayers, reflects the historical and theological foundations of Anglicanism. Many people appreciate the continuity with centuries of Christian worship.

2. Spiritual Reflection and Worship:

Evensong provides an opportunity for spiritual reflection and worship, allowing participants to pause and engage in prayer, scriptural readings and music, as well as hymnody. It serves as a dedicated time for individuals to connect with the divine and nourish their spiritual lives.

3. Scripture-Centered Worship:

Evensong is known for its beautiful language. The inclusion of scripture readings from both the Old and New Testaments underscores the importance of engaging with the Bible. The scriptural focus contributes to a deeper understanding of Christian teachings and principles.

4. Choral and Musical Excellence:

One distinctive feature of Evensong is the emphasis on musical excellence. The use of choral anthems, hymns, traditional psalm chants and organ music adds a layer of richness and beauty to the worship experience, enhancing the sense of reverence and transcendence.

5. Evening Reflection and Prayer:

Being an evening service, Evensong offers a space for reflection on the events of the day and a time to bring concerns, gratitude, and hopes before God in prayer. It provides a structured way to conclude the day in a sacred and intentional manner.

6. Accessible Worship:

The relatively formal structure of Evensong, guided by the Book of Common Prayer, makes it accessible to a wide range of worshippers. The familiarity of the liturgy and the use of traditional language create a sense of continuity and comfort for those attending.

7. Community Gathering:

Evensong often serves as a communal gathering, bringing together members of the faith community for a shared worship experience. It fosters a sense of unity and belonging among congregants.

8. Cultural and Artistic Heritage:

Evensong is often celebrated in cathedrals and churches with historical and architectural significance. The cultural and artistic heritage associated with these spaces adds to the overall experience, making it not only a spiritual event but also a cultural and aesthetic one.

9. Interdenominational Appeal:

While deeply rooted in Anglican tradition, Evensong's structured and contemplative nature can also appeal to individuals from other Christian denominations and even to non-Christians. It provides a space for shared worship that transcends denominational boundaries.

So, Evensong remains significant today as a cherished aspect of Anglican worship, offering a blend of tradition, spiritual depth, and artistic expression. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to provide a contemplative and communal space for people to encounter the divine and participate in a rich tapestry of worship.

Our service of Choral Evensong also includes a Reflection (short homily) given by our clergy and the service typically lasts approximately 45-50 minutes. Speaking as someone who has been actively involved in accompanying and/or conducting Evensongs for the last 35 years (in New Zealand, England and here in the US), what Redeemer offers to its parish and community is a very special and unique gift. All are welcome to Evensong and I especially encourage you to take the opportunity of experiencing Evensong at Redeemer if you have not yet already done so.

Finally, if you would like to learn more about Choral Evensong,  you may enjoy reading Lighten our darkness - Discovering and celebrating Choral Evensong by Simon Reynolds, which was published in 2021 and is available on this Amazon link.

Nigel Potts

Organist & Director of Music

February 2025

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379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
PHONE:  617-566-7679
FAX:  617-566-6678
OFFICE: 8:30-4:00 pm M-F | SUMMER:  9:00-3:00 pm M-Th

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