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Donating Flowers for the High Altar

| Barbara MacDonald (Administrator) on September 16, 2020 9:17 AM

Donating flowers for the high altar is a wonderful way to honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion. 

· Any number of people may sign up for the same Sunday. 

· If you don’t have a particular Sunday in mind or your dates are flexible, you can sign up for any Sunday in a particular month or any Sunday in the year (to be assigned at the discretion of the Altar Guild).

· Flowers may be given either in memory of, in thanksgiving for, in celebration of a birthday, anniversary, etc.

· In general, the Altar Guild will order and arrange the flowers.  However, we will try to accommodate special requests.

Flowers may be sponsored on the High Altar for a suggested contribution of $100 per Sunday.

Please email the following information to Suzy Westcott:

  • Designation date
  • Please list one:  in loving memory of / in thanksgiving for/
    in celebration of other ___________
  • Name(s) of person(s) being honored
  • Donor Name(s) to be listed or Anonymous (please circle)
  • Donor Name & Phone Number

You can pay for your flower donation via text giving. Type 73256 in the to: box, then, type REDEEMERCH in the message box and the $ amount. Press send. You will get a return text asking you to click on the link to complete your gift. Please designate 'Altar Guild' as the fund for your donation. 

Or fill out the flower donation form and mail the form and your check made out to Church of the Redeemer to Suzy Westcott, 379 Hammond St, Chestnut Hill, 02467

Church of the Redeemer logo

379 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
PHONE:  617-566-7679
FAX:  617-566-6678
OFFICE: 8:30-4:00 pm M-F | SUMMER:  9:00-3:00 pm M-Th

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